Beyond Academics

Annual Day

The Annual Day is all about showcasing the kid’s talents to the parents through entertaining performances (dance, singing, drama). An annual day takes months of planning, creating themes by working with teachers and dance teachers and setting up performances based on the theme.

Annual Day is a day were the school rejoices the achievements of the students and the smooth functioning of the school

Sports Day

Being our first Annual Sports day all our students had great opportunity ‘to Unite’, ‘Rejoice’, ‘Introduce’, and ‘represent’ themselves. Sports day plays a major part in improving our physical and mental fitness. It helps in developing self-confidence, team spirit and mental and physical toughness.

Sports day was celebrated with great sportive spirit and each and every Agrathaian got equally opportunity by participating in different athletic event, sports demonstrations and few were the part of Aerobic, Basketball, Lezim performances. Even parents participated and showed their sportive spirit on the Annual Sport Meet

Yoga Day

On 21 st June of every year our school celebrates International Yoga Day to create the awareness of yoga in our life. All students and teachers gather in the assembly hall and warm up exercises are taken. Students demonstrate various asanas followed by surya namaskar which is necessary to keep healthy body and mind. Our physical teacher encourages students to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration. Our school trains students in different form of yoga which will help them to achieve a better life physically, mentally and spiritually as well.

Investiture Ceremony

Investiture is a formal investing of a person with authority, power, office and dignity. It is the solen occasion where the young students were prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibility entrusted upon them by the school. The students are nominated according to their capabilities and qualities by the teachers jointly. Then the nominated students are presented before the students for a fair election that is conducted for the selection of Head Boy and Head Girl. The techers of respective houses select their Captains and Vice-Captains. Thus we have the entire body of committee ready for the year ready.

Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated with great pomp and show. Our school celebrates and expalains the significance and importance of this day to the students throught speech, songs drama, dance. Flag hoisting the most integral part of the Independence day is also conducted after lot of practice and preparation by the staff and the students.